Monday, April 20, 2015


As we all know, prom is coming up, and it'll be here fast.
A lot of people question whether they should get a picture taken at your prom, or if you want it taken professionally, at home.
There's pros and cons to both.
At the dance:

  • They will have a specific place set up, so it goes with the theme of your dance
  • It'll be a fast picture
  • Your partner and friends will be there too, so if you want a picture with them, they're right there

  • They may only be able to take one, because there will be a line
  • They'll probably be a really long line
  • You won't really have time to re-ready yourself
  • It may be over expensive (depending on your school)
At home

  • You'll be able to take how ever much pictures you would like to take
  • Any type of settings and backgrounds
  • You can change into however many outfits you want(most people stick to one dress)
  • You don't have to wait in crazy long lines

  • Depending on who/where you go to, it may be pretty costly
  • It takes a while
  • You can't have pictures with anyone unless you plan a certain day so you all can get ready
I see a lot of different types of prom pictures. I think the biggest theme that's in right now, is the cowboy theme.
I am going to give you some tips that I've found use full :

  • Choose a clean background
  • Stable your camera (tripod/monopod if possible. If not, use a flat surface) 
  • Only have one camera person at a time. So they focus on one camera. 
  • Throw in some creative and fun poses
  • Take multiple shots for multiple people 
(prom photography tips. John Huegel)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Selfie Sticks

The more you watch the news, look on Facebook, or other social media networks, you notice the "selfie stick". If you don't know what that is, its a long stick/rod, that you clip your phone into to take picture.
I've been hearing a lot about this, some people say it totally defeats the purpose of a "selfie", others say it could help a lot to get the perfect angle for you Facebook worthy picture.
In the most recent news article that I've read on Fox News, "Churchill Downs bans selfie sticks for Kentucky Derby", It states that not only did the runner of the Kentucky Derby ban the selfie stick, Coachella, Lollapalooza, the Yankee Stadium and Museums did too.
In this article, the Kentucky Derby banned the selfie sticks for the "safety of their horses". I imagine Coachella, Lollapalooza, and Yankee stadium banned them for the safety of the people, and Museums for the safety of their artifacts.
 Do you think they should ban them? do you think the "selfie stick" defeats the purpose of selfies?
In my opinion, I think it defeats the purpose. I think it does because, a selfie to me, is an up close just you, picture.
People claim that the whole point of the selfie stick is to get a better angle on your pictures, but why not just ask someone?
The editor of this article claims that he/she doesn't think the banning of the selfie stick will cause much controversy because its still "up and coming" not everyone knows a lot about them yet. Like myself, I didn't know anything about them until I was recommended to do a blog on it, so I researched it more. I honestly feel like their pointless, but everyone has their own opinion.
I'm sure we'll be seeing them more and more this summer and when more people become aware of them.